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Draupadi Devi Sanwarmal Girls Senior Secondary School

Draupadi Devi Sanwarmal Girls Senior Secondary School is committed to provide an excellent environment to prepare our next generation for facing the challenges of life gallantly. The basic purpose of our institute is to make children civilized and respectful citizens. Also we here to develop human resources having par excellence in every walk of life.

Lodha Haveli, Naya Bazar, AjmerKota , Rajasthan
(India) - 326520

Phone: 01452432533 ,



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    “A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.”
Telephone: 01452432533
Lodha Haveli, Naya Bazar, Ajmer
Summer: 7:25 AM - 02:00 PM
Winter: 8:25 AM - 02:30 PM
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