Adin Jahah
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The subject of Physics derives strength from its strong experimental base. The Pride of DDSM School envisages the objectives of inculcating scientific aptitude in the young minds through the experiments done by them in the School Laboratories. As per RBSE Guidelines our School has three Physics Laboratories which provide an opportunity for the students to understand the basic concepts of the subject in an easy and interesting manner.

The students have an insight into the world of science, on their own under the able guidance of the faculty members. The students follow the step by step procedures and rationally get to understand the concepts of science. Utmost care is given to students who are performing the experiments and guidance is given only if the need arises. Posters and charts help the students to perform the experiments in a scientific way. Students feel happy after verifying the results.

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    “A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.”
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Lodha Haveli, Naya Bazar, Ajmer
Summer: 7:25 AM - 02:00 PM
Winter: 8:25 AM - 02:30 PM
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