Adin Jahah
Admin : Lorem ispum isn not reallt nierern
You : Lorem ispum isn not reallt nierern


DDSM School has well stocked library for the primary, junior and senior students housed in spacious, well-ventilated hall. The school has more than 6500 books, a separate reference section for senior students and teachers, an extensive subscription of journals and magazines for extensive and intensive study. The open shelf system and display of latest editions in library go a long way to inculcate a healthy reading habit amongst the youngsters.

  • Strict discipline and silence is to be observed in the Library and Reading Room.
  • Library books may be issued to the senior classes and returned only during Library period. Any one failing to return the book on the due date shall pay fine @ Re. 1 per day.
  • Marking, underlining, cutting, erasing or damaging pages of the books is strictly prohibited. Any damage or loss of library book shall be recovered from the borrower in the shape of fine.
  • Periodicals or Magazines are to be read in the library or reading room only, and the same are to be placed in their specific places after use.
  • If necessary, the Librarian/Principal may recall the book issued to any student or teacher for a period of time.


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    A ship is safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.
Telephone: 01452432533
Lodha Haveli, Naya Bazar, Ajmer
Summer: 7:25 AM - 02:00 PM
Winter: 8:25 AM - 02:30 PM
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